Thursday, 1 June 2023

Chapter 6: I'Am

 Know Thyself  

Maxim found at the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi

So who are you?

What’s your role, your purpose, your place in existence?

Where do weal fit in this great cosmic dance we call life?

Answering these questions accurately will go a long way in determining the state of your life while here in physical reality. 

A good place to start would be‘our origins. Truly knowing where we came from, who created us and why, will reveal to us some very different aspects of our self that previously we were unaware of. 

“What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite.” - Bertrand Russell

If you believe in an external deity or force outside yourself, one that has control over you. A ‘higher’ power, superior to your lowly self. One that you have to worship and beg if you desire change in your life. Then you will be forever looking outside yourself for validation of your existence: powerless and impotent, desperately clinging on to your existence, subject to the whims of a cold and unfeeling universe.

Fortunately this outdated and frankly ‘wrong’ image of God as being separated and removed from us, is moving slowly into the dustbin of time.

Since time began spiritual teachers, shaman, gurus, philosophers and poets have hinted at a reality far greater and more expansive than that which we have been led to believe.

A divine source that they maintain is the font of all creation. From where all consciousness arises and eventually returns to. 

The belief in some form of Universal Mind or Divine Consciousness is also fundamental in the majority of the world’s religions and spiritual teachings. Throughout history man has attempted to label this great, mysterious, source of existence as God, The Divine, The Source, Universal Mind, Collective Consciousness, All That Is, The Void, Nirvana or Brahman. There are many names for that which is nameless.

In the last few decades our leading scientists are finally confirming with research at the quantum level the existence of a great underlying force that governs all creation. Scientific advances have allowed us a glimpse into the very fabric of the universe and what we are discovering there is astounding earth shattering and paradigm shifting. The growing acceptance of these age old truths by our scientific community is helping us forge a new world view.

A world view more in line with our new levels of spiritual awareness. 

They have stopped short of course at naming this ‘stuff’ God of course; Dark Matter, The Unified Field, Collective Consciousness, or in some cases ‘Other, is a close as they dare come.

But it is clear that our Sages and our scientists are talking about the sanie thing, for even a cursory examination of the evidence available makes it quite clear that we are now talking about the true fundamentals of our reality here.

As Nobel Prize winning Physicist Dr Neils Bohr famously said -“if quantum mechanics hasn‘t profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet. Everything that we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” 

The deeper they look within the more scientists are discovering the interconnectedness of the universe at the most basic (quantum) level and confirming the wisdom of the ages, we are all one.

“You are not IN the universe; you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Vibrational Universe

One of the first ‘truths’ I discovered on this ‘journey’ was that contrary to Newtonian science and the prevailing world view, everything and everyone that exists- from a tree to a rock- the stars in the sky- the universe we live in... you and I are inextricably connected at the vibrational level.

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison.”- Albert Einstein (1879 —1955)

Energy and mass are one and the same thing as Einstein conclusively proved with his E=Mc2 equation. The entire universe and all matter within it is at its most elemental level nothing more than a vibrational wave  energy. There are no solid physical objects in this world or any other

“It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing.” ~ Albert Einstein

And prime the factor that turns these waves of potential energy into ‘physical’ matter as we know it, into ‘reality’ we experience is you!

Without YOU there is no (human) physical reality. Without YOU the universe remains nothing but a sea of probabilities.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

As far back as 19" century scientists began recognising the vibrational qualities of the universe. Everything in the Universe vibrates; the only difference is the rate at which it vibrates. It is this difference that creates the illusion of separateness we see in our worlds. In reality there is no difference between you, a tree, or even the chair you’re sitting in except the rate at which it vibrates!

“Everything in Life is Vibration” — Albert Einstein

You are a vibrational being in a vibrational universe. The world you see around you and everything in it is in a state of constant flux as all these different vibrations are continstantly attracted to or repelled by each other. At all times you are constantly vibrating at certain frequency and either repelling or attracting compatible frequencies.

Today leading scientists such as particle physicist Dr John Hageln are discovering this invisible world in their work on unified field theories-

"The deepest level of truth uncovered by science, & by philosophy, is the fundamental truth of unity. At that deepest sub-nuclear level of our reality, you & I are literally one.” 

“It’s one of the deep, happy mysteries that, at all times, we interact with and influence the world we observe." ~ John Wheeler, Theoretical Physicist (1911-2008)

With focus and practice we can learn to control the vibrational frequency we sending out into the universe and subsequently attract only vibratory energy fields (people, things, events, circumstances etc) commensurate with our new consciously chosen state of being. If we can do this then any lower, unwanted vibratory fields will either be repelled or transmuted by our higher frequency.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the Jrequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." ~ Bashar, Daryl Anka

Mirror..mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?

At all times, consciously and unconsciously you are sending out a vibration, a frequency, into this vast ocean of energy. And the universe responds accordingly, in simple terms you attract what you are. The world you experience around you is a perfect mirror feelings, your intentions or of you. Your thoughts, you think of it as a feed-back system with which we can gauge our spiritual progress and this ‘mirroring’ system makes us completely responsible for all that we see and experience.

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” ~ Best Holmes

Look around you at your family, your friends, your relationships with other people, your life circumstances, your health, your wealth and you will see your true self. You will see who you really are at the Being level. It’s all there laid out before you. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

But why? Why would I put myself in these situations some of them terrible? If we were to experience only the good in life. If there were no consequences to our actions and intentions then we would never realise that the world we live in is a manifestation of our internal thoughts and feelings. Unless we are aware of the consequences of our actions how could we ever hope to change?

And if we desire to change anything out ‘there’ then first we have to change what’s in here.

Hearts trumps spades

The concept of higher vibration always overcoming lower is one of the fundamental principles of the spiritual world. We are always afforded opportunities to grow and evolve no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. Combine this with the inter-connectedness of it all, (even your chair) at a vibratory level, and you can see how we can influence everything and anything, no matter its physical location in the universe even so called not inanimate objects such rocks or wood. 

Everything is vibration and everything is connected at a vibratory level and every thought (vibration) you send out resonates and affects the all.

"Our entire biological system, the brain and the earth itself, work on the same frequencies.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Understanding the nature of this God stuff, and our relationship with it, is a crucial step in our spiritual evolution.

“What one man call God another call physics...” ~ Nikola Tesla

Unfortunately the true nature of reality has been hidden from us by many of these same institutions; A combination of ignorance and greed, fuelled by man’s fears and inadequacies has so diluted and distorted the original messages that it has reached the stage where they do more harm than good.

“Religion is a belief in someone else’s experience, spirituality is having your own experience. ” — Deepak Chopra

The days of organised religion are on the wane though. We as individuals and s species no longer need the crutch that it provided. Through the power of the internet this dependency is doomed as we connect and ‘wake up’ to the realisation of the tremendous power that lies within the individual.

“Yesterday we obeyed Kings and bent our necks before Emperors; But today we knee] only to truth, follow beauty, and obey only love.” - Khalil Gibran 

So what do we call this. everything?

All That Is...

To me the term 'All That Is’ comes as close as my limited intellect will allow.

For in a broader context that is exactly what it is, there is nothing that exists outside it, nothing that it isn’t, nothing that isn’t a part of it including us. Without us 'All That Is’ wouldn’t be ‘All That Is’.

All That Is cannot be defined by human concepts but in an attempt it could be described as the sum of all parts, but greater than all.

"If you prefer, you can call the supreme Psychic gestalt God, but you should not attempt to objectify him. What you call God is the sum of all consciousness, and yet the whole is more than the sum of its parts..." The Seth Materials

All That Is is never static, never complete. It is constantly changing, expanding and evolving, and as you will discover later in this book each of us have a crucial, a vital role in this great expansion.

"I would say that in my scientific and Philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, which is never static or complete but but which is an unending process of movement and unfoldment...." ~ David Bohm (1917 — 1992)

This constant desire, this tremendous yearning for fulfilment and growth, is in built and one of the primary reasons for our existence.


This is where the concept of ‘Oneness’ is based.

All That Is everything, every place is one place, everything is one thing, we do the dividing.

“Quantum physics has basically revealed the fundamental unity of life.”~ Dr John Haglen

Western civilisation, our academic, science, business, political, and social institutions, are all based on a Newtonian world view of the universe. A world view in which the entire universe is purely mechanical and runs like ‘clockwork’. In this model every action has an equal and opposite reaction and cause and effect is king. The current ‘world view’ which has built up slowly throughout the last few hundred years is that we live in an ‘objective’ universe. 

In a materialistic objective universe we as human beings exist only by virtue of the randomness of the evolutionary process. The ‘objects’ that surround us are completely separate from ourselves and the only influence we have over these external independent objects is through physical force.

We exist in an entirely mechanical system subject to the whims and randomness of a cold, unfeeling and unconscious universe.

Everything around us is dead and we have no other way of influencing our external world or circumstances except through our intellect or by employing physical force (cause and effect).

Life has no meaning, we are born for no reason, our only aim is to survive and reproduce. We live for a random amount of years and then we die.

All for nothing! No purpose!

Does this ring true for you?

In my new reality, the reality I woke up to that next morning after my ‘experience’, our ability to influence and shape our own destiny’s is based on the fundamental principle that we are not alone or powerless. Each of us is a complete fractal of the whole and as such hold all the same qualities and powers it does. We have full control over our destinies and that we each create our own unique ‘subjective’ realities using inherent psychic faculties. That consciously and unconsciously we create and shape every single event in our lives using processes only now beginning to be recognised by mainstream science.

By the power of our minds

These hidden forces are just not viable in an objective universe theory but they are in a subjective universe- a universe where all matter is energy and all energy is one.

"The final goal of all religions is to realise the essential oneness" - Mahatma Gandhi

And so to answer the original question, Who are you?

I'll tell you exactly who you are, you my friend are a complete, perfect part of the whole.

YOU are consciousness in action.

A magnificent expression of All That Is.

YOU exist outside of time and space, YOU have always existed and you always will exist.

YOU are at the cutting edge of creation, where the rubber meets the road.

YOU are the fresh shoot, the latest edition, the pinnacle of your evolutionary tree.

YOUR passions, desires and imagination are the building blocks of all reality.

Without YOU there is no growth, no expansion.

No dreams to fulfil,

No adventures,

No desires.

Without YOU there is only Stagnation, entropy and extinction.

Without YOU there is nothing.

I Am an eternal, spiritual Being of Light & Love.

Nothing I can do is wrong,

I Am loved completely.