Whatever the truths are in all of this (I suspect there is a lot of truths in them) they will be no doubt be revealed to us as in greater clarity when we’re ready to deal with that knowledge. Meantime, we still have to deal with what is in front of us, illusion or not!
But How?
As that great spiritual seeker, Einstein once said: “Reality might be an illusion, but it’s a very persistent one.”
One of the most empowering truths we can learn in navigating this physical reality is each of us is 100% responsible for our own experiences, Understanding and accepting the world around us is a perfect reflection of our state of being is without doubt the greatest truth we can ever hope to discover.
This and the resultant realisation that all you need to change the world around you is within you will be the truth that sets you free. By accepting responsibility for our creations and understanding that all change begins within then we can begin the conscious directorship of our lives.
And one of the first steps you must take is to realise your thoughts create your reality. We discussed the importance of many of the governing factors down here in the "sandpit" (see Chap. 5) and in the previous chapters the tools you have available to you, your imagination, your beliefs and your free will.
This is where the rubber hits the road! until you can master and direct your conscious thoughts you are dead in the water and you will never be able to control even basest of emotions, forever a puppet to your unconscious fears and habits of mind.
To understand how your inner dialogue could possibly effect material matter, it helps if you think of your thoughts and the resulting feelings and emotions as generating forms of vibrational energy, sent out by you into the universe, as a light-house casts its beam out into the dark ocean.
So what does this mean for us?
How can this scientific evidence (see Scientific America consciousness as vibration energy) benefit us in our daily lives?
Personally, I find the on-going research into consciousness useful to me as just another piece of evidence which confirms what I already knew deep within my heart, consciousness is fundamental. Each of us creates our own reality as we go along and we do this automatically, instinctively and whether we realise it or not, believe it or not.
That conventional science that's discovering the ‘physics’ that confirms this true nature of reality is useless, unless it helps to convince you that you are indeed much, much more than your physical body.
But you knew that anyway didn’t you?
“With our thoughts we make the world.” ~ Buddha
So what’s it all for?
Why are we here?
What’s the point?
Important but difficult questions that we all must ask ourselves one day but I suspect none of us will ever know the full answers, while we are this stage of our evolution.
As Dr. Campbell would put it -
“Sometimes we just have to live gracefully with uncertainty.”
A lot of us get confused when it comes to the meaning of life, mistakenly thinking that we are involved in some cosmic mystery, and where our logical mind and our intellect demands answers to questions that perhaps are beyond our capabilities to comprehend in our limited state of existence at this time in our lives.
'Dance, dance wherever you may be...'
Over the last few years I have gave serious consideration to these matters And I’m going to use another analogy to help explain my conclusions. I think now that life is like a dance.
For what is the purpose of dancing?
Is it to get to some point on the dance floor?
Reach some finishing point?
Achieve some goal?
No, the whole point of dancing is just to dance! To enjoy and feel the rhythm of the music and to experience the joy of movement.
Dance your way through life my friends, secure in the knowledge of your own nature...
Bask in your power...
Revel in you divinity...
Dance your own dance...
"To be continued"
Paul Jackson 1962-2022