

About Paul Jackson

Paul has spent most of his life with a serious case of wanderlust, he has travelled, lived, or worked in over 30 countries around the world.
He served in the British Forces for 7 years, and after discharge gained an Honours Degree in South East Asian Studies. Paul studied Thai language for a year at Chiang Mai University and then went on to teach English and Tourism. 

Remembering Paul

Paul’s life was an adventure, never frightened to take risks and chase his next dream, many of which he made true! But he also was a searcher and in time he would come to live his life from a deeper truth. He authored a beautiful book, Ho'oponopono The Secret 

“As hard as I try I can't remember when or even how I first heard of Ho'oponopono. That I can't remember is even more puzzling to me now when I look at its tremendous effect on every part of my life”.

That deeper truth, at least in part was captured in this Ho'oponopono prayer or mantra, he wrote of:

I Love You...
I’m Sorry...
Please Forgive me...
Thank You...

I believe Paul came to live by what he wrote and helped others to do so. Of course Paul was many other things as well, father, son, brother, companion and friend to many. His enthusiasm and energy along with his good looks of course could light up any room. How often I’d sit in my mum's kitchen with a cupa tea in hand, listening to Paul as he stood chatting about life, universe or his next big plan! My mums kitchen will never be the same now he’s gone, nor my life. But at the same time his life and soul will forever be part of mine, in fact he will always be with me, his smile and energy shining through my world.

I was able to spend time with Paul a few days before he passed on, we had time to talk, to hold each other and to speak of love. He was not frightened of dying and if he had any regrets he had let them go, in the end it seemed to me that love, love we all had for him and he for us was all that was needed, that love was all that really mattered in the end. He passed peacefully knowing that love and being held by it, in a way this was Paul's last gift to me and to us, one that can still bring a deep happiness, as Paul would have wanted for us all.

My beautiful brother passed-on peacefully on Sunday 20th of March 2022. Survived by his mother Lilian and brothers, Kevin, Scott, Kris and his fiancée Duangduen and Sarah his daughter.