“Believing is Seeing” - unknown
My aim in this chapter isn’t to rid you of your beliefs or even to help change them. There are countless books dedicated to just this end- my intention is only to make you aware of the immense power your beliefs hold over you.There is a huge difference between what you believe and what you know. Knowledge is power they say and my hope is that this knowledge will help you to recognise your beliefs and the fundamental role they play in creating the life you see and experience.
Giving you the confidence and platform on which to build a reality you prefer, not one that is seemingly thrust upon you by forces out-with your control. Let’s be very clear here what you believe to be true is one of the most influential factors in determining the reality you experience while here on the physical plane!
“The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.” - James Allen
Beliefs and their bedfellow’s of expectations could be better described as the limits we place on ourselves while here in this physical reality. What we allow ourselves to believe has an enormous bearing on the reality we perceive and experience.
Think of them as training wheels similar to what a child would use when first learning to ride a bicycle. They help form the parameters of our reality, self imposed boundaries that act as stabilisers that keep us on track.
Now if you look around you and are satisfied with what you see- if you are in good health, financially sound, and enjoy positive relationships with the people in your life then you can be sure that your beliefs are beneficial. If however the opposite is true and you feel impotent and powerless. If your life is full of struggles and strife then again you can be sure that it is your beliefs that are at the root of your problems.
What you believe is the prime deciding factor in the reality you perceive and experience. And without conscious directorship our beliefs may no longer serve us and can quickly become the blinkers and chains that blind us and bind us.
However, In my opinion the beliefs we hold about reality are a necessary part of our evolution. At this stage in the evolution of your consciousness they serve a purpose fulfil a need within us. One day in the future we will all have the quality of consciousness required to live Without these self-imposed limits and boundaries but for now we need them like a small child needs the security of the small picket fence around the sandpit and the constant reassurance of its mother, for in truth most of us live the part of our lives in ignorance, fear and confusion.
And we do as humans always do when feeling fearful or threatened we build barriers and create separations to ‘protect’ ourselves from non-existent threats that we imagine exist. We imagine lack in a world of plenty, hate in a world of love, and we set our stall accordingly.
"The most important question we can ask ourselves is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe” — Albert Einstein
Again knowledge is power and by recognising the part that both your conscious and subconscious beliefs play in your creating your reality you can then begin to develop a set of beliefs that serve you not bind you.
We all have beliefs and the amount of therapy, a positive thinking it's going to change that any time soon, but we do have the ability to choose what we believe and more pragmatic approach is simply to adopt a new set of beliefs based on your own experiences and knowledge, and not on what other people believed to be true.
What you believe controls everything that you experience, your health, wealth, relationships and success, are all shaped by what you believe to be true.
“You are given the gifts of the gods,
you create your reality
according to you beliefs.
Yours is the creative energy
that makes your world.
There are no limitations to the self
except those you believe in,”— The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
You create your own reality using your thoughts, feelings, emotions, expectations and intentions but the prime deciding factor is your beliefs!
Similar to a lens on a camera every thought you have, every feeling, through the lens of your own personal belief system.
"The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts" - Marcus Aurelius