"Everything can be taken from a man, but one thing: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." - Viktor E. Frank
Though it is indisputable that your sub-conscious mind is hugely influential in your life and plays a fundamental role in forming your own personal reality. It is important to remember your conscious mind is not powerless, far from it.
From being a helpless bystander to the machinations of your sub-conscious hidden and needs and desires as the Freudians would have it, you are no puppet on a string and you create your own reality whether you know it or not, believe it or not. Which leaves you with two options available to you as I see it, you can learn to become a consciousness creator or you can continue to create unconsciously and randomly.
Your conscious mind is the greatest tool you have available to you if you wish to take control of your destiny!
Before we go any further it would be useful if we have a closer look at ‘free will’ and exactly what that means to us down here in the Sand Pit (see Chapter 5).
Free will does not mean that you can have whatever you want. If that was the case we’d all be sitting around in luxury with a lot of shopping bags around us. Obviously for the majority of us this is not the case and here it is useful to remember that The universe is not punishing you, it is merely responding to the level of your vibration. The quality of your consciousness and the choices you’ve made.
Free will means that you have the ability to make a choice within the decision space you have available to you. You and you alone choose how you react to any given circumstance or situation. Now the choices you have available at any given time may vary considerably. The level of your awareness will dictate the number of options you have before you. But you will have always have at least 2 choices available-
One will take you towards love and the other will be based on fear. Choosing the most loving action you can will increase the quality of your consciousness and making a fear based choice will decrease it.
It is also important to note that it isn’t only the big choices you make, the life changers. No. It is among the minutiae of life that we make choices that will forge our future. The choices we make now, today in this moment. It is the small almost unnoticed choices that we make every day.These are the choices that will make the difference. This is where your power lies.
“Through your mundane conscious choices, you affect all of the events of your world.” — The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
So while it is true that our subconscious, fears and desires are highly influential in our lives. We do have the power of veto through the choices we make using our conscious mind.
“Consciousness cannot initiate an action, but it can decide that it should be carried out.” —Tor Norretenders
This is where your power lies my friends in the choices you make now, today and in this moment. You choose your response, you choose your reaction, you choose your attitude.
Unfortunately most of us make our choices based on misconception amd falsehoods. Which results us in takirig quite a few detours on our way. Some dead ends too. Take yourself on a wonderful road-trip of a life or drive around the neighbourhood in first gear the choice is entirely yours!
Understanding who you are and your place in the greater reality will go a long way in allowing you to make a conscious, informed, reasoned choices instead of the automatic, programmed, fear based. decisions that each of make every single day.
Most people give up their authority, the great power they hold. Too scared or lazy to question the status quo, they give up control of their minds and place the responsibility for their life's in the hands of others.
If you don’t control your mind, then someone else will...If you make your choices based on other peoples beliefs, they're lies and half-truths. If you believe one thing but expect another. If you refuse responsibility for your own actions then you will be forever chasing your tail. Chopping and changing as more and more contrary information clouds your awareness and judgment. And layers and layers of conflicting and false beliefs fog your mind and skew your decisions.
By providing yourself with a bigger picture and basing your choices on 'truths'. By realising your own divinity you will be far better placed to make the right choice that assists your growth. And not based on another persons experience and beliefs.
"Religion is a belief in someone else's experience, spirituality is having your own."~ Deepak Chopra
I Choose my own path, my own way...
I choose love