Saturday, 3 June 2023


(The book you are about to read was edited from two draft manuscripts after Paul had passed-on, they go together as a complete (as he intended) but unfinalised piece of work)

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” ~ Louis L’Amour (1908-1988) Writer


The following pages contain a version of reality that you might find strange, bizarre even, or maybe not, perhaps your reality is even stranger than mine. Either way, the account you are about to read is a reality that is as unique and real to me as yours is to you. And as we live in a subjective universe entirely constructed by our own personal thoughts, feelings, beliefs and expectations I think I can safely say that no-one that has ever lived has experienced what you and I are experiencing now.  

And it is this individuality, the profound uniqueness of each soul’s sacred journey that makes it very difficult to share accurate information between us. Every one of us holds a unique and personal view of the world. We may be in the same place in time and space, but we are all experiencing it from a different perspective. And that’s why I would like to make it very clear before we go any further that you won’t find much 'Truth' in these pages, not as we currently understand it. I’m not claiming to have found ‘The Way’ or anything like that…to be perfectly honest with you I’m still trying to work out how I got here myself…

So I can offer you no path to follow, no certainties, certainly no absolutes for ‘The Truth’ as we will discover later can be a very slippery customer. Just when you think you’ve nailed it down up pops another ‘Truth’ for you to deal with. And what’s more, there’s a whole lot of truth out there at the moment so whose truth do you want to hear?





What’s true for you may not be true for me, and what’s true today may not be true tomorrow. It was a truth for a thousand years that the Earth was flat, and that if you sailed far enough, you would fall off the edge. Or at the very least get eaten by dragons. It was a truth once that the Earth was the centre of the universe and the sun and stars all orbited around us. Bruno was burned at the stake for suggesting otherwise.

No, the only criteria you should apply to anything you read in this book, or any other is-

Is it useful to you or not?

If it is, use it...

If not, discard it...

Don’t waste your time and effort proving or disproving other people’s words, including mine. Only your own experience can satisfy that desire.

“Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul…whatever satisfies the soul is the truth” ~ Walt Whitman, (1819-1892) Writer.

We’re not in "Kansas anymore folks", and it would serve us well if we could all put our personal and collective ‘Truths’ to the side for a while. Our reality is shifting. The normal rules, the old ways, don’t apply anymore, swept aside by an avalanche of new ideas…new ‘truths. And contrary to all our human survival instincts, our best defence in these times of trouble is to relax…

And let go…

Let go of everything we believe we are.

“When hard and rigid we consort with death, when soft and yielding, we are followers of life.” Lao Tzu (4-6th Century BC Est.), Chinese Philosopher

And that of course is far more difficult to say than do, for it goes against every human survival instinct we possess. In times of trouble and uncertainty we are taught to protect ourselves, "to hold on tight, to defend our position, circle the wagons, batten the hatches, hunker down". When instead we have to do the exact opposite, "we have to relax, open up, and let go". Let go of everything we know and trust, the world as we know it, our comfort blankets, our beliefs and expectations, our prayers, rituals, and mantras, our ideas about the world. Flexibility not rigidity prevails in times of change.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ~ Lao Tzu 

It’s time to wake up and take responsibility for the world you see around you and you can only do that if you start trusting the only thing you know for sure is real, You…!

Secrets and Lies

One other thing I quickly discovered as I examined these matters closer was the fallacy that there was some sort of ‘Secret’ to discover… some hidden knowledge out there to find. A key that would unlock the mysteries of the universe! Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you,” Jesus of Nazareth

Everything you will read in the following pages has been and still is, freely available to all, hidden in plain sight for those who care to look. Throughout human history, countless men and women have attempted to pass on this ‘Secret’ knowledge to whoever chose to listen. At times it has been diluted or distorted so much as to be unrecognizable. In other times, such as the one we are experiencing now, the message has been loud and clear.

A crescendo even!

Maybe it’s time to start listening…

So I will tell you my story, show you my truths, as I said not in the desire that you follow me for this is a road we all must walk alone but in the sincere hope that you might find some familiarities with your own adventures, some solace perhaps that you’re not going crazy, that you’re heading in the right direction and perhaps reassuringly that there are others out there, many, many, others all going through similar experiences as you and I.

“Don’t walk in front of me — I may not follow; don’t walk behind — I may not lead; walk beside me and just be my friend.” ~ Albert Camus (1913-1960), Philosopher

Some call the experiences I am about to describe in the following pages as an ‘awakening’… but to me it felt more like growing up than waking up. 

There is a lot of evidence suggesting that we as a species are in a period of accelerated transition in our own and earth’s spiritual progression. New breakthroughs in science and technology are allowing us to delve deeper than ever before into the very fabric of our universe and what they are finding there is truly remarkable!

“If quantum physics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, then you haven’t understood it…!” - Max Planck (1858-1947), Nobel Prize Winner and father of modern Quantum Physics

These new discoveries (which we will discuss in depth later) and their growing acceptance by mainstream academia are finally forcing the hand of our scientific community. Science and spirituality, physics and meta-physics, once so far apart are now uniting into one new all-encompassing discipline one fit for our new state of consciousness.

A new age of humankind…

Individually and collectively humanity is awakening, and with each new discovery we are further expanding the boundaries of our reality. And these scientific advancements combined with the selfless work of many brave souls, who quietly without fuss in a myriad of places have been sowing the seeds and setting the foundations for what I believe is a ‘great leap forward’ in the evolution of human consciousness. And as our awareness grows new paths are being revealed blossoming like flowers in the sunshine.

Reaching this stage has taken us a very, long time but we are today finally reaching a ‘tipping point’ where there are now enough souls here in this reality plane with enough maturity of being, enough light to carry the whole of humankind along with them. We are awakening and all over the world individuals are taking their first tentative steps into a new reality.

A reality far different from the one we were led to believe in…