"If the only prayer you ever said was thank you that would be enough. " - Meister Eckhar (1260-1328)
Appreciation, gratitude, thanks...
One of the quickest ways of raising your vibration is through gratitude. Giving thanks for the blessings in your life is one of the most powerful tools you have in your armory. It is an instant fix you can apply to your life at anytime.
As you go about your day, pay attention, increase your awareness. Begin to actively look for things you already have in your life to be grateful for- your family, your friends, good health... you won't have to look far I promise.
Acknowledge all the good you find in your life- send a simple I Love You... Thank You, mantra into the Universe as often as you can (see my book Ho’oponopono Secrets). This positive focus will greatly assist you in moving from a vibrational state of wanting into the more desirable state of having!
What you turn your attention and focus on will eventually manifest in your life, paying gratitude helps you focus on those areas of your life that you love and desire more of. Appreciation for what you already do have in your life is also one of the quickest and easiest attitudes to adopt it instantly brings you back into the now.
The universe responds to your emotional state, don't leave it to chance! Whenever and wherever you get the chance show passion and love for the beauty and abundance you already have in your life and you can't fail to receive more of it.
"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. " - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I Am Grateful for all that I receive.
Thank You for the love in my life, Thank You for the wonderful world I live in.
Thank You for the beauty and wonder that surrounds me.
Thank you for giving my life purpose and meaning.
Thank You for all the talents and skills that I have been gifted so that I can not only survive in this physical world but flourish.
My Love & Thanks to all the beautiful souls, known and unknown, seen and unseen, that have helped me to get to where I am now.