Friday, 26 May 2023

Chapter 3 New Seekers

And I can assure you that I was extremely thorough in this task. For many months, now years, after my experience I devoured books, literature and videos on every spiritual and metaphysical subject known to man.

I read fascinating and sometimes frightening accounts of Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s) and Out of Body (OBE’s) travels in non-physical dimensions. I listened to mind-blowing accounts of psychedelic ‘trips’ into other dimensions of reality using Ayahuasca, DMT, Psilocybin mushrooms and LSD, guided gently by the reassuring voice of the much loved and missed psychonaut Terence McKenna.

I read all I could by the ‘New Thought’ teachers of the 19th and early 20th century; Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Wallace Wattles, Florence Shovel Schim, Joseph Murphy, Charles F Hannel, Napoleon Hill, add more.

I studied the words and teachings of the giants of the past: Philosophers and mystics from Plato to Hermes Trig. Confucius to Marcus Aurelius. Jesus to Buddha.

I fell in love with the words of the poets: Rumi, Walt Whitman, and William Blake. The lectures of the English philosopher Alan Watts lulled me to sleep each night. I devoured the modern teachings of Richard Bach, Khalil Gibran, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Mike Dooley, Lynda Madden Dahl and the late great Dr. David Hawkins.

I read wide eyed the ‘multi-verse’ and ‘simulation theories’ of Nick Bostrom, Hugh Everett, and Dr Tom Campbell. And the slightly more sinister ‘matrix’ scenarios forewarned by Philip K. Dick and more recently Elon Musk.  Jed McKenna’s controversial trilogy confused me for a while.

I practiced the mind control techniques taught by John Kehoe and Maxwell Maltz in their ground-breaking books; ‘Mind Power in the 21st Century’ & ‘Cyber-cybernetics.’

I listened to the channeled material of Jane Roberts & Seth, Abraham Hicks, The ‘sleeping prophet’ Edgar Cayce, and our favourite Alien Bashar.

I took what I could from the scriptures of our mainstream religions, old and new, the Bible (That Jesus knew what he was talking about).The ancient Vedic texts of India, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita. 

I found peace in the wisdom of Zen and The Tao Te Ching.

"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." ~ Zen Koan

The Out of Body studies (OBE’s) and Near Death Experience (NDE’s) research of Dr Robert Monroe, Dr Brian Weiss and Dr Ian Stevenson proved extremely useful in sparking my imagination opening up a myriad of new paths and experiences.

Emile Coue’s work on Auto Suggestion particularly fascinated me. If you have never heard of Coues’s method he is credited as being one of the founding fathers of Hypnotism. He is also credited as one of the first to discover what we call today the ‘Placebo effect’. But he is far better known for coining the phrase:

“Every day in every way, I get better and better.” ~ Emile Coue, (1857- 2 July 1926), Chemist 

Some of the most eye-opening evidence I discovered on my quest for the truth of things was from the scientific community, the paradigm shifting work of those scientists brave enough to risk reputation and ridicule in order to find the truth whatever it may be, resonated deeply within me. Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Freeman Dyson, Carl Jung, Dr Tom Campbell, Dean Radin, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and Carl Sagan among the many who are slowly inexorably pushing against the old ‘truths’ and forging a new science. 

A science that embraces both science and spirituality combining physics and metaphysics under a new banner. One that better reflects our new levels of awareness and the ever growing expansion of our consciousness.

A science based on truth, not fear.

Anybody that had a tale to tell then I was ready to listen. I wanted evidence. I wanted validation of my experience and I found it, lots of it!

Some of which you will find in this first book and the rest in further volumes to come.

“I pushed against reality, and it gave...! Jane Roberts (1929-1984), Writer

I didn’t know this then but this journey of discovery would be a long one. What I was searching for wouldn’t come suddenly or easily, even with that major ‘nudge’ to get me started. It still took a constant drip, drip, drip of personal validations and experiences. A multitude of little clues and magical moments until I finally reached the point, the overwhelming conclusion that what I was experiencing, discovering, feeling and dare I say Being, was as close to the ‘truth’ as I was ever likely to be whilst here in this physical reality.

Only then could I begin the daunting task of rearranging my reality and new found perspectives to better reflect my true self.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  ~ Carl Jung (1875-1961), Psychiatrist

This I understood would not be an easy task, it would take a lot of effort on my part to shake myself free of my cozy cocoon of ignorance. Letting go of what we believe to be the truth is one of the hardest obstacles we will ever face on our journey of discovery. Our beliefs, our view of the world, our very identity will be challenged and almost certainly destroyed in the process. Are you ready to let go of the ‘You’ you think you are in exchange for an as yet unknown future version of you, a better version? Are you prepared to destroy yourself in the process? Was I?



Knowledge is power. My hope is you can use the knowledge I have collected in this book to discover your own power and go on to break free of the chains of ignorance and patterns of thought that deaden our souls and belittle our very Being. Use the wisdom and experiences of the pioneers who went before us and bravely carved a path to a new world view, a world view that liberates you, empowers you and reflects the true nature of your being. Your true magnificence.

And one final proviso before we go on, things can and do change constantly in this strange place we call reality the only constant is change, as the sages would tell you. And we are no different life is never complete, never finished. Always in a state of flux, forever expanding, unfolding and becoming.

What may have been the ‘truth’ to me yesterday may not be today. And I can only give you what I have at this moment. Maybe one day I might discover that the Earth is not flat! As we will also discover this constant growth and change, this expansion, movement, unfoldment of our consciousness is a fundamental ‘truth’ throughout all planes of existence. This expansion has a purpose, the never-ending expansion of consciousness itself.

A never-ending story. What I write today is a result of my own limited understanding, my worldview and the quality of my consciousness at this point in time and my level of awareness.

“If he is indeed wise, he does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of our own mind.” Khalil Gibran (1883-1931), Poet

That’s why you won’t find any gospel in these pages, 

No word of God.

No doctrines, tenants or commandments.

No formulas, techniques, or 12-step programs.

No right way and no wrong way.

No rules to follow that will make everything all right.

All I can offer you is knowledge, knowledge that will expand your awareness and change you at the very core of your Being, if you allow it. And you do have to allow it to.